Feel free to post this to your chapter website, put it in your chapter newsltr, or send to anyone interested. The purpose is to "get out the word" about one of our most valuable benefits of EGA membership:
Pat C
GCC Chairman
Subj: Re. GCC special offerings......an explanation
I've just had a query to clarify the "workings" of the on-line and
quarterly GCCs which can be registered through the EGA website or by sending the
registration form and your check to EGA HQ.
Both on-line GCC registration, offered for 2 months, and the courses
offered each quarter as advertised in Inside EGA, have a special registration
period in which INDIVIDUALS can register for $20 registration fee plus cost of
text for that limited time. This is not registration for a group, but an
opportunity for the individual who doesn't have a group to take the course
at a very affordable price.
If you have a group of 9, it would be cheaper to register the group, divide
the $150 by the members (remember, the coordinator doesn't pay a part of
the registration fee) and register that way. If fewer, then the $20 is the
best way.
This is not a "cyber-class". It's run just as any other GCC, not
on-line. You use the text but can contact the teacher with problems/questions,
you will receive an evaluation if you submit the stitched piece to the
teacher, and a certificate if you meet the qualifications the teacher requires as
stated in the text.
Let me know if you have questions.
Pat C
GCC Chairman
E-mail EGA HQ