Community Outreach Program: donate needlework pieces (ongoing)
Coordinator: Chris R
During the April chapter meeting, a Representative from Hospice of the Calumet Area presented Common Threads card line, Hospice Card Artisans (hca2). It was explained to NANI members that there are notecards with knitting, quilting, needlepoint (canvas) themes being sold as fundraiser for Hospice. NANI members were asked about having a needlework theme note card -- cards with donated pieces of hardanger, cross stitch, crewel, beading. The squares of needlework would need to be around 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 " to 2 1/2 x 2 1/2". They can be finished or unfinshed. ChrisR has been gathering needlework terms (words / phrases) to use on the face of a needlework notecard. These terms will be silkscreened on good quality stock. Donated needlework will embellish the cards by being mounted on the face of these notecards. They will be sold during Hospice Fundraisers (& at the Center for Performing Arts, Munster, IN).This will be an on-going Community Outreach Project, donations already being collected -- please give your needlework pieces to Chris R.Ruth Ann Russell, Designer/Proprietor of C Street Samplerworks, has designed two motifs and given them to hospice program for the card line. The photo above is a versatile floral - suggested DMC 223, 931, 520 & 822. Ruth Ann thought it would be easy to stitch in different color combinations. "It could be stitched in all cross-stitch, or the petals could be satin stitch, the centers eyelet, or whatever the stitcher cared to use."In addition to the florl motif, Ruth Ann charted a fruit basket motif! She used DMC 3790+3045 for the basket, 520 for leaves, and 3821+356 for fruit. This is also a gift to the hospice group for their cards. I will have a photo up later this week.To request charts designed by Ruth Ann Russell: Please contact Chris R or send e-mail to: NeedleArtisans@gmail.comQuestions? Comments? Suggestions? Contact Chris R - - - - - - - - - - Floral Motif above designed by Ruth Ann Russell, C Street Samplerworks. Stitched on 32-ct weathered barn linen. Fibers used: DMC 931, 223, 520, 3823. Stitched by Lelia.
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