Sunday, May 9, 2010

NANI Outreach

We have a variety of outreach projects ongoing or coming up. So many it's hard to keep track of them all. Here's an overview:

Hospice of the Calumet Area: We need 2" square stitched designs for their cards* and hand-stitched holiday ornaments, any design or style.*

Hammond Reads: Bookmarks, primarily aimed at children. Standard bookmark sizes are between 2" and 3" wide and 6" and 8" long but other sizes and styles are welcome.* Any designs or materials that you wish. Some designs and more information are available at Stitching for Literacy. This is an EGA outreach project. [We are also collecting new and lightly-used books of all types, for all ages, for Hammond Reads to distribute.]

*Marjorie Holme will have precut pieces of Hardanger fabric, donated to the outreach projects by Karen Uebler, for the Hospice cards, ornaments and Hammond Reads bookmarks at the June meeting. These are all nicely portable projects ideal for summer stitching.

Threads That Bind: We are collecting hand-stitched ornaments for our show boutique. The deadline is the September meeting. All profits go to the chapter. (more details in an upcoming post)

Your finished embroideries! Please don't forget to submit one or more (or many) pieces for display in the show.

Members' Boutique: more details on this opportunity to support the guild and also make a little money for yourself will be in an upcoming post.

There will be a number of volunteer opportunities for our show. We hope everyone will participate before and during the show. Watch this blog for more details on volunteer sign up for the show.

Camp Quality Illinois: We will be teaching at the Camp on Friday August 6. We will need volunteers one night to help kit the project (date to be determined) and as many volunteers as possible to come and stitch with the kids on the morning of August 6. Camp Quality Illinois is in Frankfort, IL.

Beginning Stitching at the YMCA: We plan to expand our experimental program at the YMCA and make it more organized and formal. It was slow at first but we ended up with nicely sized classes of children and adults. We plan to teach this fall on Thursdays at 6:30pm from September to Thanksgiving. September's project will be a beginning cross stitch sampler, designed by Jamee Jecmen. October will be "tattoo your jeans": how to decorate your clothing with embroidery, something popular with teens right now. November will be simple holiday ornaments. We would like volunteers to commit to coming for one month to work with the beginning students.

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